Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vera Vision—After-School Special, Pt. 2

You know how someone does something but then seconds later, they began to think it wasn’t such a good idea? Jaime was definitely there.

Looking around at the closed VIP room, Jaime really started to wonder if he crossed a line that had no business crossing. Ms. Kendrick had no idea it was him even though her face was instantly recognizable. Now, he was sitting in a chair with his hands firmly tied behind his back. The club had a strict no touching rule but they also wanted to be sure there was no way a patron would even entertain the thought of copping a feel. Jaime instantly felt like a dumb ass. At least he paid for the dance in advance.

He didn’t believe in coincidences too much. He thought it was just a way of justifying something that was meant to happen. But he was starting to get a little unnerved that “Scandalous” happened to play in the overhead speakers as Ms. Kendrick entered the room. She was wearing black thigh-high boots with a 5-inch heel, a low cut top that barely covered her C-cup tits and boy shorts that appeared to be a size too small for her ass. Her belly piercing slightly dangled from her navel with every move she made, almost whispering to Jaime to play with it with his teeth. He went from participating in a nice game of mind-playing with his teacher to her seducing him without trying. What the fuck has he gotten himself into?

Jaime was starting to feel a little guilty. Ms. Kendrick had no idea it was him and he was taking full advantage of that fact. But it was too late. He was trapped and couldn’t escape even if you wanted to. Be careful for what you wish for…you’ll just might get it.

“Are you ready?” Ms. Kendrick asked as she got ready for her private performance.

To be honest, Jamie was anything but ready. He was actually scared shitless. “Ye…ye…yeah…” he stammered.

“Good,” Ms. Kendrick replied. She turned around and smiled softly. She walked over to him and gently kissed his lips, assuring him that everything was going to be okay. But each time he tried to open his mouth to give up the charade, his loins would be set ablaze on her movements. She smelled like a vanilla musk lightly touched with jasmine. Her aura was dripping with sex and it was obvious Ms. Kendrick was no rookie or amateur. She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing. Maybe Jaime didn’t feel so guilty after all.

“Let’s begin,” she smiled again. She leaned forward on Jaime, pressing her breasts against his chest. She cooed in his ear, playfully biting it as her hands caressed his chest. She then turned around and bent over and showed her perfectly round ass to Jaime. He could definitely see why some guys referred to a female’s ass using all sorts of euphemisms. It was an apple, a biscuit, and a romp-shaker. It made Jaime wonder what Ms. Kendrick was doing hiding all of that ass underneath her clothes.

But her ass was just an appetizer to the dual main course meals. She stripped off her top and her breasts bounced out of it. They were perfect. Tear-shaped and lickable as he would later describe to his boys. They were succulent and dying to be played, licked, and sucked. Jaime felt his mouth water just looking at them. However, the best was yet to come. Ms. Kendrick pulled off her boy shorts and revealed her waxed snatch. Cinnamon-colored, smooth, and slick with her own juices and sweat, it was obvious Ms. Kendrick hadn’t been with many partners and took very good care of herself. That made Jaime’s cock bounce in his pants.

She climbed on top of him and began to grind her pussy against the bulge of his pants. Because Jaime was restricted to keep his hands to himself, he was tortured by not being able to do anything. She was an expert at riding cock and he only imagined how she was in bed. She began to ride him faster, softly moaning with each grind. Jaime no longer could play the actor and began grunting against her. He wanted to fuck her so bad and couldn’t. The torture was worse than any after-school detention.

Just when he couldn’t take it anymore, Jaime shot off in his pants. He came hard and quick, leaving him panting and sweating. Ms. Kendrick stopped riding him and smiled as Jaime regained his composure. She softly kissed his forehead and patted his face with her hands. She then got up and gathered her clothing. She undid the tie behind his back and massaged Jaime’s wrists. But before she could leave, there was one last piece of business Ms. Kendrick had to go over with Jaime to make sure it was an evening he would never forget.

“Just to remind you,” she whispered in his ear, “homework is still due on Monday.”

*Above model is Jessica Drue; photography is by RobG Photography*

Friday, September 25, 2009

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rammstein - Pussy

“Ty masz cipkę, ja mam kutasa, więc co za problem?”

Kazirodztwo, nekrofilia, homoseksualizm, katastrofy, prostytucja, narkotyki, fanatyzm, kanibalizm, fetyszyzm i wiele innych. Niestety to już było. Zespół Rammstein odważył się przebić przez muzyczną rutynę i przekazać rzeczy, które każdy, w miarę normalny człowiek uznałby za nieetyczne. Till Lindemann był znakomitym tekściarzem i wokalistą, zaś inni członkowie tworzyli do jego poematów jeszcze wspanialszą muzykę. Razem stanowiło to fantastyczne połączenie, co zapewniło grupie rzeszę fanów na całym świecie.

Od samego początku istnienia zespołu, muzycy skupiali się na mocnych brzmieniach. Odważyłbym się nawet na określenie tego prawdziwym, niemieckim metalem, w najlepszym owego określnika znaczeniu. Pierwszy album nie wzbudził jednak większego zainteresowania, a to za sprawą jego słabej promocji. Dopiero przy drugim krążku, Rammstein postawił na bardziej dopracowany przekaz, czego efektem było wielkie zainteresowanie ze strony słuchaczy. Trzecia płyta była kontynuacją poprzednich założeń, więc nie wniosła niczego nowego, aczkolwiek mimo to nadal trzymała poziom i idealnie obrazowała charakter grupy. Czwarte dzieło niemieckich artystów było przełomowe, ponieważ zrezygnowano przy nim z wyłącznie mocnej muzyki i kontrowersyjnych tekstów. Podkreślam, iż dotyczy to tylko większości utworów, ponieważ znalazły się na całe szczęście wyjątki. Album ten poszerzył Rammsteinowi grupę fanów ze względu na jego całą otoczkę. Po prostu większość osób wolało posłuchać sobie zabawnego tekstu o Ameryce lub piosenki związanej z miłością niż poznawać kolejne etapy stosunku analnego z poprzednich płyt. Zespół nieco złagodniał, jednak nadal można było znaleźć utwory przypominające o prawdziwym charakterze grupy. Wszystko zmienił piąty krążek, Rosenrot. Całkowite odejście od metalu oraz elektronicznych brzmień, stanie się jednym z najpospolitszych zespołów. Dużo ludzi chwaliło płytę za spokojne brzmienia oraz wspaniałe teksty, które szczerze mówiąc, były chyba pisane jedynie pod publikę. Prawdziwy Rammstein umarł…

Teraz zaś zespół postanowił o sobie przypomnieć nowym albumem, Liebe ist für alle da. Data jego premiery zbliża się wielkimi krokami, ale już teraz można wejść w posiadanie promującego album singla, Pussy. Wcześniej można było znaleźć oficjalne widea reklamujące owo dzieło. Jedno przedstawiało poszczególnych członków zespołu podczas osiągania seksualnego spełnienia, a drugie dokładnie to, wokół czego wszystko miało się kręcić. Nie będę już tego komentować, aczkolwiek uważam, że klipy te tylko poniżyły ich twórców. W każdym razie, wracając do singla, znalazłem, przesłuchałem, rozpłakałem się, podciąłem sobie żyły, założyłem słuchawki i znowu przesłuchałem. A wygląda to tak…

Początek rodem z Enola Gay autorstwa OMD. Trochę mnie to zaskoczyło, ale w końcu trzeba być otwartym na nowe perspektywy. Nagle wchodzi słynna perkusja Rammsteina, a mnie od razu przypomina się płyta Herzeleid. Czy to możliwe, by wrócili do swojego prawdziwego brzmienia, że naprawdę przejrzeli na oczy? Wszystko przerywa muzyka, która zdaje się być, najłagodniej mówiąc, inna. Przypomina trochę tę, zamieszczoną na krążku Reise Reise, ale tak jakby wzbogaconą o nowe motywy. Z pewnością nie jest tym, co zespół promował na samym początku, ale w sumie może być, nawet wpada w ucho. W końcu dochodzi wokal. A jednak tego nie zmienili, mimo wszystko zaryzykowali. Choć naprawdę szanuję Tilla Lindemanna jako artystę i mogę powiedzieć o nim wiele, to z pewnością nie to, że ładnie śpiewa po angielsku. Przedtem nie było aż tak okropnie, bo na przykład w Stripped jego akcent był całkiem znośny, jednak w tym przypadku nie jest już tak kolorowo. Można jeszcze odnieść wrażenie, iż dodatkowo próbuje odrobinę zmienić swój głos, co razem tworzy niezbyt poważne połączenie. Co by jednak nie mówić, piosenka z założenia miała być zabawna, więc jest to pewnie część całego planu. W pewnym momencie, ku mojemu zaskoczeniu, Till zaczyna śpiewać po niemiecku. Choć ogólnie nie lubię mieszanych piosenek, to akurat teraz zmiana języka się przydała. Czas na refren, czyli to, co można było w przybliżeniu odsłuchać już w zapowiedziach. Wstrzymuję oddech i staram się skupić wyłącznie na piosence. Angielski, po prostu świetnie. Mimo to, przyśpiew jest nie najgorszy. Co prawda, gdybym miał tylko przez jego pryzmat oceniać cały utwór, nie byłoby żadnych rewelacji, jednakże nie jest źle. Potem kolejna zwrotka podzielona na angielski i niemiecki. Zaczynam się poważnie martwić o przesłanie tekstu, ponieważ albo Lindemann dał sobie spokój z poezją albo to ja źle tłumaczę zdania na polski. W każdym razie, refren pojawia się na nowo, a zaraz po nim jedna z cech industrial metalu, odrobinę zniekształcony głos wokalisty. Brzmi według mnie nie najlepiej, ale to też da się znieść. Bardziej martwi mnie muzyka, która podczas tego wszystkiego, zaczyna wykorzystywać elementy techno, czyli gatunku, którego zwyczajnie w świecie nie trawię. Zespół oczywiście robił już podobne rzeczy, ale przekładało się to na zaznaczenie metalowego charakteru utworów, a nie jak tutaj, zwykłą zmianę typu muzyki. Jak mogli do tego dopuścić, czemu na to pozwolili? Od kiedy grają dla kretynów bawiących się w nowoczesnych dyskotekach? Czy to oznacza koniec? Jako odpowiedź otrzymuję ostatni już refren oraz podzielenie końcowego słowa na sylaby. Następuje cisza, a ja zostaję sam ze swoimi myślami. Co oni zrobili…

Odnośnie samego tekstu, to czuję się po prostu zawiedziony. Rammstein słynie z piosenek nasyconych metaforami, sarkazmem i ironią, dlatego też wiem, że nawet tego utworu nie mogę odbierać bezpośrednio, jednak mimo to trudno mi zrozumieć jego sens. Pierwsza zwrotka koncentruje się na rozważaniu o rozmiarze pewnego narządu i porównywaniu seksu do jazdy na autostradzie. Druga zaś skupia się właściwie na tym samym, tyle że do metafor dochodzi jeszcze jedzenie. Sam refren stwierdza jasno, że skoro wszystko jest na swoim miejscu, to czemu nie można od razu przejść do rzeczy. W moim odczuciu, Till chciał zwrócić uwagę na stosunek niektórych ludzi do seksu. Przedstawił więc kogoś, dla kogo liczy się tylko pożycie, zaś uczucie, jak sam mówi w piosence, w ogóle go nie obchodzi. Porównuje stosunek seksualny do rzeczy aż zbytnio banalnych, by podkreślić przedmiotowość tego aktu. Uważa, że życie jest za krótkie na pierdoły typu miłość i że zależy mu tylko i wyłącznie na zaspokojeniu swoich fizjologicznych potrzeb. Prosi w końcu kogoś, by został jego dziwką, obiektem rozładowania, bez zobowiązań. Morałem zaś jest ostania linijka refrenu, tu zacytuję, “I can’t get laid in Germany”.

Miało być zabawnie i chyba jest, choć ja mam raczej inne poczucie humoru. Przesłanie istnieje, choć nieco beznadziejnie ukryte. Przyzwyczaiłem się do bardziej wyszukanych przekazów, więc czuję niedosyt. Oczywiście w pełni zgadzam się z wartościami, jakie zawiera tekst, ale nie pamiętam, by Rammstein kiedykolwiek skupiał się na uczuciach i to mnie trochę martwi.

Najogólniej mówiąc, Pussy nie jest czymś złym. Niektórym się spodoba, innym nie, jak większość przeciętnych utworów. Najbardziej zawiodą się ci, którzy wierzyli, iż Rammstein wróci do tego, co tworzył na początku swojej działalności. Przynajmniej ja się zasmuciłem, ponieważ zawsze byłem wielkim fanem tego zespołu, przynajmniej dopóki nie wydał płyty Rosenrot. Liczyłem na to, że zrezygnuje ze ścieżki łagodności, jednak najwidoczniej postanowił powędrować tam, gdzie jest więcej potencjalnych słuchaczy. Całkowicie zatracił swoje wartości. Zawsze jednak można mieć nadzieję, bo co by nie mówić, nadal jest to tylko jedna piosenka, zwykła zapowiedź dopiero nadchodzącego krążka. Niestety drugi utwór znajdujący się na singlu, Rammlied, wcale mnie nie uspokaja. Nie zająłem się nim, ponieważ wydał mi się o wiele mniej wartościowszy niż Pussy. Przesłuchałem jeszcze jednej zapowiedzi, również singla, o takim samym tytule, jaki będzie nosić najnowszy album i mogę powiedzieć tylko tyle, że Rammstein najprawdopodobniej będzie eksperymentować, ale z pewnością nie wróci do korzeni. Trochę zwykłego rocka, metalu, ale też nawiązań do starszych piosenek innych wykonawców.

Innymi słowy, jeśli jesteś zwykłym fanem tego zespołu, z pewnością i tak kupisz ich najnowszą płytę. Jeśli jesteś prawdziwym fanem, również kupisz, ale będzie ci brakować jego starego brzmienia. Jeśli natomiast jesteś zwykłym słuchaczem, który właściwie nic nie wie o tej grupie, to też kupisz i całość ci się spodoba. A teraz czas na paradoks, bo wracam do słuchania Pussy, mimo, że utwór ten nie przypadł mi do gustu. Sekret tkwi w tym, by dostrzegać to, co się chce zobaczyć.

I love to suck and worship cocks

Read after, “Seduction in the Park Makes My Pussy Very Wet.”

Gavin and I were giggling like crazy by the time we reached the top of the steps to my apartment. We hadn’t been drinking, but it was obvious we were intoxicated on love… or lust.

We burst in through my door and Gavin took me into his arms and pressed me against it.

When our lips connected sparks flew through my body. I’d heard of electric kisses before, but now I was experiencing one.

Our tongues darted and flicked out of each other’s mouth. I have an oral fixation so I spent a little extra time licking Gavin’s lips, and gliding my tongue across his polished teeth.

My pussy was dripping like crazy making my panties wet and sticky. I knew he smelt my scent, but if he’d really read my books, he must have known what was coming next.

I wanted to run my tongue and lips across his beautiful prick.

I took Gavin by the hand and led him back to my bedroom. I purposely placed him at the end of my bed and our eyes met as did our lips for another heated kiss.

I couldn’t restrain myself though and unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. They dropped to the floor and as he stepped out of them, he kicked off his sandals.

His boxer briefs drew tightly across his stiff cock. A wet spot formed across the straining material at the tip.

Pre-cum, yummy.

“Wait,” he said as I started to tug down his underwear and release his dick from it’s captivity. “I want to smell your scent from your panties.”

I teasingly lifted my simple skirt revealing their pink lace.

He tugged them off, but I backed away from his seeking lips just as he tried to graze my clit with them.

“Nu, uh, uh…” I said. “Not until you cum to me, twice.”

I stepped out of the silky material. He took them and inhaled their sexy scent.

His cock twitched.


I knelt before his erection still contained inside his briefs. I felt like it was Christmas morning and a nice thick juicy cock was on my wish list and I was about to get everything I’d ever asked for.

I slowly peeled off his underwear and as I did, his cock sprung to attention as it flopped out before my salivating mouth.

“Mouthwatering,” I said pushing him back on my bed in a seated position.

“You’re so damn sexy,” he said.

“Thank you.”

I responded as I started bobbing my mouth up and down onto his delicious prick.

Being shy is so overrated.

I took my left hand and stretched the skin of his shaft down toward his balls, and in a twisting motion I used my right hand to stroke his perfect prick as I devoured his bulbous head with my tongue and lips.

His cock filled my mouth full and I loved how every once in awhile he’d push my head down onto it.

You’ve got the Goddess giving you a blow job now baby.

After several minutes of stroking and twisting, licking and sucking he looked like he was about to cum.

I pulled off him and started to take off my shirt.

Gavin helped me and as he did he pulled off my matching lace bra.

My big tits flopped out, bouncing with joy upon their release. He immediately took them into his hands and started playing with them. He still had my sticky panties in his hand and I could smell my scent.

“When you cum Gav, I want you to shoot your jizz all over my big titties.”

He nodded.

I continued to give him a blow job. I sucked his balls into my mouth one at a time and licked the shaft of his prick getting it super wet.

My spit ran down his shaft of his cock, soaking it and my fingers. I continued to suck on his dick and jack him off with one hand as I slipped my index finger, ever so gently into his asshole.

“Oh fuck,” he said.

He shouldn’t have been surprised. That was a Goddess trademark skill.

He started spewing strands of cum into the back of my throat, then pulled out leaving it stringing onto my lips, chin and finally splashing down across my big titties.

“Fuck ya Gavin, you’re so sexy baby.”

“De, d, d….”

He stuttered as I slipped my finger a little further inside his asshole and continued to jack his cock dry.


When Gavin was finished shooting his hot load I pulled my finger out, and dropped my skirt.

He layed back on my bed, breathless.

I climbed on top of him and straddled his muscular thighs, being careful not to let my pussy touch him in any way or get too close to his dick yet.

Our eyes met and he raised an eyebrow, wondering what I was about to do.

That’s when I went back down on his soft cock to get him hard again, and suck him until orgasm one more time before we fucked.

It was going to be a fun night.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rammstein şi-a lansat ultima melodie pe un site porno.

Video +18!

Rockerii de la Rammstein revin pe piaţa muzicală cu un material nou: “Liebe Ist Für Alle Da”. Albumul urmează să fie lansat în luna octombrie.

Până atunci, însă, Rammstein a lansat un nou single. Melodia numită “Pussy” a fost lansată pe un site porno din cauza imaginilor mult prea fierbinţi ale videoclipului.

Videoclipul este regizat de Jonas Ĺkerlund, care a colaborat cu artişti precum Madonna, Metallica şi Lady Gaga. Albumul semnat de Rammstein va cuprinde următoarele melodii: Rammlied, Ich Tu Dir Weh, Waidmanns Heil, Haifisch, Frühling in Paris, Wiener Blut, Pussy, Liebe ist Für Alle Da, Mehr şi Roter Sand.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Business Not as Usual Part 2

The morning had come all too quickly. The morning sun was already shining bright when I finally drug myself out of bed. Ugh. A whole day of meetings didn’t sound that inviting. The room I was staying in had a bathroom right off the bedroom which was convenient since I always slept in the nude.

I began to shower and started thinking about the events of the night before. My cock rose to the occasion as I thought about Andi and how good it felt to fuck her the night before. I did a little extra stroking of my shaft as I thought about her firm tits bouncing in the moonlight and feeling her nipples between my fingers.

As I got dressed I wondered what the morning would be like. Was last night a fluke? Would Andi suggest that I find a hotel closer to the convention center? “Whatever would be would be” I guessed as I finished my tie, grabbed my sport coat and headed downstairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs I smelled bacon cooking in the kitchen. Andi called for me to sit down and eat before I left. Although I had plenty of time, I’d planned on stopping on the way for a bite, but the offer of free food won out.

I walked into the kitchen as Sheri was just getting up from the table. She smiled at her mom, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and excused herself.

“You don’t have to run on my account. “ I teased. “Nothing of the sort!” She smiled and winked at me, “But some of us have to work EVERY day.” I laughed and sat down as Andi got up to get me some food.

“Coffee?” She asked. “That would be great, black is good” “Sheri still teases me that I don’t have a real job,” Andi smiled as she got my coffee and food.

“What do you do?” I asked, realizing that in all of the time last night I’d never asked her that.

“I’m an interior designer, so I get to set my own schedule and basically work when I want.” Andi sat beside me and took a sip of coffee. “John’s life insurance policy paid off the house and left me with enough money so I can do what I love and not be too stressed about life in general.”

“I see,” I said, feeling a little awkward about the direction the conversation took. I could tell that John’s accident was still fresh in her mind by the look in her eyes. We finished breakfast with small talk about my meetings for the day and other meaningless talk. Then Andi put her hand on mine and looked me in the eyes.

“Are you okay about last night?” She asked. I was taken aback by the question at first, but quickly responded.

“Yes! It was great…are you?”

“I haven’t had a man make me feel the way you did in a long time.” She smiled, squeezing my hand.

“Good. I was afraid I’d have to find someplace else tonight!” I said, half joking.

“Not on your life!” Her voice was mockingly assertive, “In fact, Sheri has promised to be here tonight for supper. We’re going to have a steak on the grill and enjoy the evening by the pool. I want her to get to know you.”

“Well, I better get going,” I said, standing up from the table. Andi stood with me. She was wearing the same robe that she had on the night before. She took some plates and went over to the dishwasher. When she bent over to put the dishes in, she gave me a full view of her firm ass.

“That view is a great way to start the day!” The words were out of my mouth before I thought. Andi laughed and stood up.

“You liked that, huh?” She jokingly shook her finger at me, “You naughty boy. You shouldn’t be looking.”

I laughed and went into the front room to grab my jacket. As I came back, Andi was leaning against the counter reading the paper. She stood in such a way that her ass was still barely showing below the hem of her robe. I walked by and playfully patted her ass.

“Hmmm. You can do that more if you like.” She said moving back towards me. She pushed her hips against my groin and I felt my cock start to harden.

“That didn’t take much!” She turned around and put her arms around my neck. Pulling me close she whispered in my ear. “Fuck me before you go. Please?”

She slid her hands down to my waist and began to unbuckle my belt. I slid my hands down and untied her robe and opened it so that I could get a better look at her great body as Andi reached up and kissed me passionately, her tongue penetrating my waiting and willing lips. I felt her hands inside my pants caressing my hardening cock. She knelt down and pulled my pants and boxers to the floor.

I watched her pull my cock into her mouth. She circled the head of my penis with her tongue as she reached between my legs. I spread slightly so she could grab my balls and massage them. Then she reached behind me and grabbed my ass and pulled my pole deep inside her mouth. I began to thrust instinctively, feeling her hot wet mouth on my cock.

I pulled her up to me and set her on the counter and began to finger her wet hole, reaching deep inside her wet pussy and rubbing her hardening clit while we kissed passionately.

“I want that fucking cock inside me. Do me now!” She ordered playfully.

I pulled her to the edge of the counter. She grabbed my cock and eased it inside her waiting pussy as I pulled her to me. Andi put her hands on the counter for balance as she moved herself up and down my waiting shaft. I let her slide up and down on my cock, feeling her hot, wet pussy and watching my cock disappear in her hole.

 Andi started to moan. I grabbed her tits as she moved harder and faster on my shaft.

“I’m coming. Oooooooooooooo. Fuck. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Yesssssssssssssssssss.”

I felt her wetness explode on my shaft. She kept moving up and down as I felt myself getting close.

“OH yeah,” I moaned, “I’m going to fill that pretty pussy of yours full.” Andi kept working me until I finally exploded. I felt my hot sticky sperm filling her.

Andi slid off the counter and knelt before me. “We can’t send you off to work like this!” She giggled.

She licked my softening cock clean. I got dressed and gave her a final kiss before leaving.

Somehow the conference wasn’t going to be so bad today.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Sexy Stud for Hire

This is the first posting in the new blog series “The Sexy Stud for Hire.” Read each posting that follows after this date to read the story in order. ~ Thanks, Delaynee Sinclair

It was late one night, and I was nestled in front of my computer getting ready to write my next sexual love story. I wished it were my own. I knew it could be, if only I’d take a chance. Just as I started to type, my manager telephoned me. .

            “Delaynee, someone has contacted me about writing a companion book to ‘The Goddess.’ I think you should go for it.”

            I bit my bottom lip, and powered off my computer.

            “I’m not sure if ‘The Goddess’ is ready for a companion. My books are best-sellers. A companion may drag them down.” 

            My manager tried to advise me, but I can be pretty stubborn.

            “You’ve cranked out three erotic books in as many years, and would it be so bad if you had a companion?” 

            I sat in the darkness licking my wounds.

            “Delaynee, I know you’ve remained strong since your break-up. You’ve pushed through your pain, and made your life successful without him. You should be happy about that, but maybe it’s time you created with someone else for awhile.”

            I cracked my window a little, letting the cool night air blow in. 

            “I’ll take it into consideration,” I whispered as I hung up the phone.

            I crawled under my covers, alone. I wanted to numb myself with sleep, but I was restless. I was afraid if I opened myself up, I’d become vulnerable again.

            If I write with someone else, they’ll want to do public relations stuff and I want to remain anonymous. That’s why I like my pen name.

            I was restless falling asleep. My mind was racing with thoughts of how I just wanted to blend in with my surroundings.

            I’m just the woman that owns the book/coffee shop.

            The summer night air blew across my skin. My eyes finally grew heavy and I fell asleep.

            The next day at work I was back in the stockroom. I overheard a man questioning one of my employees.

            Is he asking about my book?

            I could hear my employee tell him they were sold out, and they’d be restocked in a couple of days.

            I knew I had several cases upstairs in my apartment over the bookstore, but I couldn’t let my employee’s know that I was the writer.

            They’d laugh me out of business if they knew their boss was sucking cock on paper.

            I moved closer to the door and tried to get a glimpse of the man with the sexy voice.

            “I’d love to meet the woman who writes those books,” he said. “I’d get down on one knee, and propose marriage.” 

            “Is it about the sex?” The employee asked.

            “No, it’s, about the connection I feel to her words,” he said. “I feel like she’s written them just for me.” 

My curiosity got the best of me and I walked back into my store. I made my way around the shelving unit to get a better look at my secret admirer, but it was too late. He was leaving.

Nice ass.

            “Did you see that guy?” the young female employee questioned. “Wow!  Someone should tell that writer she has an admirer!” 

I froze in my tracks. 

            “Are you okay?”

            “I will be.”

            Days pass and I was closing up shop one evening. All of my employees had gone, and I wished that I had someone to talk to. 

I unclipped my hair, letting it fall down past my shoulders. I heard the bells on the door jingle, and turned around to see a handsome man standing before me. 

            “Is it too late?” 

            Good God.

            I was taken aback by his angelic face. His eyes are as brown as fudge, and his smile could light up the night sky. I felt myself blushing at my hesitation, but finally responded.

            “It’s never too late.” 

            I re-clipped my hair and a few pieces fell out of place, gently framing my face.

            “How about a tall cup of whatever your roast of the day is?”

I poured him his coffee.

“Do you mind if I just grab a book real quick?”

“Not at all,” I said. “Purchasing books at my store keeps me in business.”

I winked, he smiled.

Drip, drip, drip. My pussy is loving this guy.

He heads straight to the romance section and comes back to the counter with my book, “The Goddess.” 

It’s a good thing I restocked that.

            “Good choice,” I replied knowing my secret was safe. 

            “Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee”

            He asked while paying for his purchases.

            “Ya, sure, why not?”

            Holy shit this guy is so sexy.

            I poured myself an espresso and took a seat across from my extremely hot, late night customer

He took a drink of the warm soothing brew, and our eyes met.

            “My name is Gavin, and I am a mechanic/book critic.” 

            I raised my eyebrow.

            “I’m Delaynee, and I’m speechless.”

            He smiled at me and we laughed, breaking the tension.

            “I was working on someone’s car one day and she had the first book of this series in her seat,” he said. “I was curious and read it in two hours.”

I smiled.

“Did you charge her for the labor during those two hours?”

“No, but I thanked her.”

            “What is it that you like about the stories?” I asked. “I mean, you’re a guy, and these stories are meant for women.”

            “Well, love is a universal language,” he said. “So I wouldn’t think the stories would exclude men, but to try to answer your question, the author, it’s as though, she writes her hearts desires, letting the Goddess represent her. Her characters are so lifelike. I can feel their vulnerabilities. I just want to call them on the phone, and send them my love. You probably think I’m crazy…”

            His voice trailed off, and he blushed. 

            “No, I think it’s lovely that I’ve been able to evoke such emotion out of such a big, strong guy.”

            “I’ve?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean A. Starling?”

            Holy shit. How could I have made such a stupid slip of the lip?

            “I am A. Starling, the woman who penned that book.” I said feeling a flush of relief run through my body as I continued. “I’ve always wanted someone to write something like that for me, but instead I’ve written them for others.”

            I think Gavin almost fell off his chair and was genuinely floored by my admission.

            “You wrote these books?” He said. “Your husband is a lucky man.” 

            “Oh, I’m alone.”

            His eyes lit up.

             “Go out with me, tomorrow night,” he said. “I’ll pick you up here and…” 

            “I am not ready to date.” 

            I lowered my eyes hoping he couldn’t see the sorrow I was hiding.

            “Then I’ll be here for you, until you are.” 

            I raised my eyes as I sipped my coffee. I couldn’t help but stare at his determined face, and bulging biceps.

            Shit, I am screwed. I think he means it.


To be continued…


Saturday, September 12, 2009

But are you the matriarch to an outlaw scooter club?

You know how there are those times when you like a really good TV show and the person you love likes a truly awful TV show? Well, I recently had one of those moments. Tom and I like most of the same shows. Basically, shows that are funny. However, Tom likes EVERY show on the DIY network and I am not a fan. He also likes any show EVER made about Alaska. Alaska. I don’t even know what I would DO in Alaska. I’m really worried that he’s trying to plan a trip there. We’re going to Oregon for a family reunion next year. What if he wants to just zip on up to Alaska and haul over some ice roads? I’m not ready for that. Honestly, I don’t think Tom’s ready for that either, no matter how much TV studying he does.

I don’t care what you say. This look does not say “Holly Fabulous.” End of story ICE ROADS.

Tom’s other favorite show that I can’t get into is Sons of Anarchy on FX. It’s a show about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club. Swoon. Notice that the description doesn’t say “a comedy about the misadventures and pitfalls of a close-knit, bumbling outlaw motorcycle club.” That would just be too awesome. The show does have one saving grace, the matriarch of the group, Gemma, played by Katey Sagal, who will forever be known to me as Peggy Bundy. Gemma, however, differs from Peg in that she would never be married to a shoe salesman, her son seems to have an active sex life with real women, and Gemma will knock a ho upside the head with a skateboard if that’s what it comes down to. Both characters have really awesome hair, though.

Gemma Teller Morrow. Abilities include planning, scheming, manipulating, and having cool hair. Basically my hero.

Even though Gemma is the HBIC of a gang that primarily makes money by illegally importing weapons and selling them to drug gangs, she doesn’t let that interfere with her softer side. She’s a really caring grandmother to her new bey-bey grandson. In fact, in just the last episode when the doctor suggested she try a soy formula to help with the baby’s digestive issues, Gemma very practically, yet caringly, responded that she didn’t want to turn him into a “vegan pussy.” Gah. Doesn’t that doctor know anything? Vegans and outlaw motorcycle gang members just don’t mix! Everybody knows that.

Even though this show has the potential to be a really good influence on my hair, it’s proving to be a really bad influence on Tom. He actually asked me if he could start a bike gang. Of course I said yes, because how cool would it be to see Tom and the gang donning their khakis and setting out to do something really shady, like drink Mountain Dews in a Texaco parking lot? So we went through a list of his friends who could join his gang. There were a few we decided would need to be relegated to side cars because we’re not sure they have the experience or the street cred to ride their own bikes.

Y’all be back by dinner!

Tom told me they were going to meet in the basement, for pep rallies before rides I guess, and that I should STAY OUT because they were going to be doing really dangerous things like punching each other. Dear God, I foresee someone breaking a hip at their first meeting. My suggestion is that they focus their efforts on being a really fierce Vespa gang. Everyone can have their own Vespa, they can sticker up some awesome helmets or make cool leatherish vests, and call themselves The Shui Fengs. Ya know, like they’re really gonna get in people’s spaces. I think this has real potential. We decided that Gavin has to wait until he’s 10 to join the scooter gang though. That just seems like good parenting.

Where's purple? Dang it! Whose week was it to coordinate our line up at the pier?


Friday, September 11, 2009

Fantasy, Part 2

“Oh she needs a good spanking for sure.  Can you tie her hands in front of her now?”

“I’ll let you do it,” He said, starting to remove the ropes from my arms.  He patiently talked Her through the process until my hands were bound in front of me, each wrist wrapped several times and tied in the middle.  “On your hands and knees.”

“That’s a good little slut,” She said and patted me on the head.  I met eyes with Her and then She moved to stand behind me with Jason.  “Doesn’t she have a great ass?”

“Oh yes, I agree with you there,” He replied.  “But it looks so much better when it’s all red.”

“Let’s see what we can do about that,” She said, giving it a playful but painless smack.

“Do you want to use the flogger?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

“Well I’ll go get it just in case.”  He went to get it and tickled me across the back with it before setting it between my teeth.  Honestly I was a  little scared, my girlfriend/Mistress and I had been together for over a year.  There was no reason for me to distrust Her.  She and I hadn’t played too much with pain but She had already shown a clear ability for putting the hurt on.  Now in this intense situation, with an aroused audience, I knew that I was in for quite a wallop.  My arms shook and I had trouble catching my breath holding the flogger tightly between my teeth.  I was there only to please Them and that was exactly what I intended to do.

“One, two, three,” He counted and his hand smacked my ass.  She followed suit on the other cheek.  I started loosing all sensory perception besides the sting of their smacks but I could vaguely hear their amused conversation, comparing the pink hand prints on my back side.  I moaned and whimpered, the sound muffled by the handle of the flogger in my mouth, which was growing heavier by the moment.  My pussy pulsated, begging to be released and filled.  Just as I felt my mind slipping away, Jason grabbed my hair almost as if he sensed it, and pulled hard.  “Do you like that?”  My neck was jerked back uncomfortably and my eyes couldn’t help but meet his.  Even as the tears stood in them he could read the resounding answer, “YES.”

She walked around and tilted my chin up, smiling lovingly.  I whimpered, begging with my eyes to have the heavy flogger removed from my teeth.  She complied, handing it to Jason.  “I think I’d like to use her mouth for something better.”  He chuckled and took the flogger from her.

She proceeded to present me with her pussy.  I could tell from the sweet aroma that she was already very wet.  The way my hands were tied, and I was holding myself up, I really had very little control over where my head went.  She grabbed me my my hair and pushed my face it into her as I heard Jason behind me snapping the flogger.  I thought I might cry, I was so overwhelmed and overstimulated.  But I could barely breathe the way Mistress pushed my face hard into her pussy and my tongue stud tickled her clit in just the right spot.  I rode the wave when she came, writhing and thrashing as she does, so intense that Master dropped what he was doing just to watch.  I escaped injury but was excited to catch a full breath when she released my head.

“Here, I have an idea,” he said.  He pulled my hands behind my head.  I glanced over to notice that he was already hard again and my pussy ached to feel him inside me.  “You want me to fuck you, don’t you?” He asked. I nodded.  “Say it out loud,” He said, grabbing my hair and forcing me to look in his eyes.

“Yes, Sir, I want you to fuck me, please.”

“Well I think it’s time for me to try your tight little ass, would you like that?”

I hesitated for a moment.  I like anal sex but don’t particularly like having my ass torn to shreds.  But I didn’t doubt Master’s patience and compassion so I whispered, “Yes, please.”

With my face again buried in Mistress’s pussy, I felt Him putting lube all over himself and me.  His finger on my ass was amazingly intense.  Patiently he pushed at it with his cock and I tried my best to breathe deeply.  He pushed until he felt resistance then paused…yes he knew what he was doing.  I felt myself relax and he pushed in bit by bit until he filled me up, groaning, “Oh it’s so tight.”  I wiggled a bit to let him know I was ready.  I have a sweet spot deep in there and his long cock had no trouble reaching it.  With only a few slow thrusts I was thrown in to an out of control orgasm.  My ass squeezed his cock deliciously with each contraction of ecstasy.

“Please fuck it hard!” I cried out before going back to work on Mistress’s clit with my tongue.  To be pleasing both of them at the same time was an exquisite gift.  And to my great satisfaction, they both came together, their pleasure washing over me like ocean waves.  We fell into a pile on the floor but Mistress wasn’t done with me yet.

“So, Jason, you’ve showed me a thing or two now it’s my turn to show you something,” She said.  I looked at her and smiled, not sure what she had in mind but it was sure to be fun.  She rolled me over onto my back and reached for my pussy, still soaking wet.  “Have you ever seen a woman squirt?”  She asked.

“I have read about it but I’ve never experienced it first hand.”

I trembled as she set to work, gradually working her fingers inside of me until her whole fist was in there and I writhed uncontrollably.  She had learned to anticipate it was going to come and said, “Here she goes, check this out.”  The warm fluid poured out of me and they both made impressed exclamations.  But she didn’t stop until she made me come again and I feared I would never stop.  Finally she pulled her hand out of me and said, “Do that to a woman and you will truly own her.”  I laughed weakly, completely spent from the experience.

When I could move again I kissed both their feet and thanked them for the unforgettable experience.


Goodbye bad boy, hello stud!

That was the last chapter of “The New York City Bad Boy.” It was such a sexy story, filled with sexual fantasy, romance and even love – yes love. Keep the sexy thoughts pulsing through your throbbing loins because tomorrow my writer will post the new erotic blog novella, “The Sexy Stud for Hire.” Where there will be just as much cock sucking, cum drinking, fucking, pussy licking, and new ways to fuck and in new places. My big tits will be bouncing and my clit will be jiggling with the “The Sexy Stud for Hire.” My pussy wants to gush a creamy orgasm just thinking about how sexciting it’s going to be. I’m one lucky fictional character! ~ Delaynee


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

RAMMSTEIN Update: New Album Title Announced, Album Artwork Posted, More


Source: Blabbermouth

RAMMSTEIN propaganda machine kicking it into high gear. Here’s the latest:

New Album title: “Liebe Ist Für Alle Da” (Love Is Given To All)

Release Date: October 20th via Vagrant

“Liebe Ist Für Alle Da” track listing:

01. Rammlied

02. Ich Tu Dir Weh

03. Waidmann’s Heil

04. Haifisch

05. B******

06. Fruehling In Paris

07. Weiner Blut

08. Pussy

09. Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da

10. Mehr

11. Roter Sand

Click HERE for a full listing of upcoming RAMMSTEIN tour dates.

RAMMSTEIN: Album Artwork for 'PUSSY' Single




Sexy, hot erotic stories that will make your pussy cream, and your cock hard.

“The New York City Bad Boy” is an erotic ROMANCE novella blog, and slowly builds the sexual tension. You must start at “The New York City Bad Boy” posting at the beginning of this blog – August 13, 2009 – and read every day after to read it in order. If you want short, steamy erotic stories that get straight to the sex, check out “Cougar Stories” by Romance Columnist Kate Mercer on the RSS Feed


Monday, September 7, 2009


So what’s the worst thing you ever did? I’d have to think about that question for a bit. I do know one thing that would rank in the top five.

Many years ago, when I was single, I started dating a bartender. She worked at our office hangout. She was a sweet, smart girl who was tough enough to work in a bar.

Sue was not a 10. In fact, facially she was probably the least attractive woman I ever went out with. But that doesn’t mean she was unattractive. In the right light she could seem pretty enough, while in bad light she seemed very average.  She didn’t have the greatest body — but nice — and there was definitely something very sexual about her.

Most of all, she had a magnetic personality which served her well working in a bar. Everybody loved her. I don’t know how it started but we would give each other a hug when I left the bar. I started to get the sense that she liked me even though it seemed a lot of guys hit on her. So I was a little surprised that she agreed to go out with me.

We got to a third date and hadn’t done anything yet other than a couple kisses at the end of each date.

Then I had to go out of town for a week. I remember I spent most of the time driving thinking about what I should do to get in her pants for the first time. Yes, although I liked Sue I’ve got to admit that my primary goal was sex over love.

So I got back from my trip and asked her when we could get together again and — much to my great surprise — she put  me off. Then she did it again and again. I was puzzled but it looked like the writing was on the wall.

Then, one night at the bar, I started to get the impression that Perry — one of my coworkers — was being overly chummy with Sue.  Besides being a pretty good friend Perry was also married. I stuck around until closing. It seemed like Perry was waiting for Sue. I got in my car and drove off.

In a few minutes I found myself parking my car down an alley, a few houses away from Sue’s house. I sat in my car a minute and contemplated if I really wanted to spy on Sue. It wasn’t like we’d been serious or had a long-standing relationship. She didn’t owe me anything. But it did bug me that a married buddy might be the reason I’d lost out. I like to think it was because I was a bit drunk … the next thing I knew I was walking down a very dark alley that ran next to her house.

I peeked into her kitchen window and saw that she was already home. She then went into the bathroom. At first I thought she was alone, but then I heard Perry’s voice. I moved along the house and looked into another window. Perry was in Sue’s bedroom.

The window was nearly completely covered except for a few gaps in the blinds that gave me a pretty good view of the bedroom. Then Sue walked in … naked. Sue sucked Perry a bit and then he got on top of her.

There they were, about ten feet away from me. I could see his penis going in and out of her pussy. I was mad that my friend was banging the girl I wanted yet I was also extremely turned on watching them have sex.

So I unzipped my pants, pulled it out, started stroking, kept watching, and finally came on the side of Sue’s house.

About that time it pretty well dawned on me that I was being absolutely crazy in so many ways and got the heck out of there before someone discovered me.

As I recall Perry banged Sue for some months after that. His wife eventually left him but, by then, he and Sue were history.

For me that was the only time in my life I’ve watched two people have sex live. It was awful, thrilling, dangerous, sexy, dispicable and something I’ll never forget.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Things I Have Found Myself Saying To Lisa On Her Vacation

By Gay Cousin Ted(dy), In no patricular order:

  1. I don’t think we should go to the Hop Leaf as it’s Midnight and we need to be on the road at 6am.
  2. I don’t care what your crazy theories are, Michigan is in the eastern standard time zone.
  3. Lunchables are not tailgating food.
  4. No, I don’t think the McDonalds appear “more friendly” here.
  5. Subsequently, I’m pretty sure the hash browns taste the same.
  6. No, we’re not stopping in Gary, Indiana to sightsee.
  7. Yes, we’re stopping in Kalamazoo, Michigan to sightsee.
  8. If me and Matt want to listen to the entire Britney Spears album you’re going to just have to shut the f up and deal with it.
  9. It would take to long to explain football to you, but I’m really glad we had this conversation.
  10. If Rachel happens to ask, Chicago is indeed closer to New Orleans than New York is. Though, I still think Abita beer tastes the same in either city.
  11. I still don’t understand relationship biscuits but the equivalent in my life might be a big bag of relationship sausages.
  12. I’ll say the word pussy as many damn times as I want to.
  13. We seem to fight a lot in Chicago and Queens but not as much in Brooklyn and Ann Arbor.
  14. Stop apologizing for eating the food at the tailgate we were invited to.
  15. Please don’t walk into church and say “even the churches in chicago are nicer.”
  16. When people come to you to shake your hand during the sign of peace, please don’t start crying.
  17. Did you just perform cunnilingus on the jam?
  18. No, you can’t have anymore jam.
  19. Brick House Pizza is different than Chicago Deep Dish Pizza
  20. Don’t ever ask ask me to not repeat a Jason Mraz song. Ever.
